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DROP-N-TELL Impact Indicators
Time:2024/11/08 15:15:48View:159

Let The Drop(N)Tell System Protect Your Fragile Product  

The DROP-N-TELL system includes two warning labels and is manufactured in six different Granges of 5G, 10G, 15G, 25G, 50G and 100G.

The device monitoring 5 times the force of gravity is very force of gravity requires a greater impact to activate.

Attach the DROP-N-TELL to your product or shipping container by removing the liner on the back to expose the adhesive or screw/nail 

it using the holes in each end.



The resettable DROP-N-TELL can be reset and reused up to 50 times. 

Simply bend the end of a paper clip and push it gently in the holes on each end of the indicator until the arrow shows red. 

Upon receiving an impact, the arrows will show blue.



This DROP-N-TELL can be used only once. It cannot be reset. Remove the bar across the arrows. 

Upon receiving an impact, the arrows will show blus.


A Large 8″×5″ companion label pictured below is also available for a small additional charge.



Range: Standard DROP-N-TELL set points are 5,10,15,25,50and 100G’s.

Indication: Blue arrow snaps into view in direction of shock.

Reference Shock: Design parameters were referenced to 1/2 sine wave shock pulse.See response curves below.

Sensitivity: Bi-directional , two opposite directions , two arrow displays.

Reset: Pin reset through access hole in each end (cannot be mistakenly reset).

Life: In excess of 50 cycles of switch and reset.

Accuracy: Within +/-20% of the calibration curves of figure below.

  1英磅(Lbs)=0.4536KG         1立方英尺(cubic feet)=0.028立方米

Time duration of half-sine wave impact pulse


The chart shown above should be used only as a basic guide. DROP-N-TELL activation depends upon the type and amount of cushioning used to protect a product in transit . Drop height will also affect activation. 

Formula For Calculating Cubic Feet

Length × width ×depth(inches)/1728

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